About the practitioner: Beth Yohalem-Ilsley (she/they) is a licensed acupuncturist with a Master’s degree in Science and Acupuncture and a post graduate certificate in Chinese Herbal Medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle, WA. She was an intern at Shanghai University Hospital in China, specializing in gynecology and traumatology and has traveled both nationally and internationally for post-graduate herbal, acupuncture and pediatric training. Beth has been a practicing clinician since 1994 with extensive training in Muscle Energy Technique, Holistic Pelvic Care ™, Shonishin (pediatric acupressure), Kiiko Matsumoto style Japanese acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, herbal medicine and Craniosacral Therapy for adults and infants. Beth combined her eastern and western herbal training to become founder of Yohalem-Ilsley Medicinal Teas. Click on the above links for more information on these specialties.
Beth has also worked in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) research for almost a decade. She was a research associate at Bastyr Univerity and Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, a research fellow at Kaiser Permanente and a member of the Helfgott Institute Internal Review Board at National College of Natural Medicine.
Special emphasis: Beth’s focus is in treating chronic pain, women’s health (including menstrual and menopausal issues), pelvic pain, pregnancy, labor facilitation, post partum care, cesaerean recovery, breastfeeding difficulties, kids and babies.
What to expect: The initial session is generally 1.5 hours. This includes an extensive intake including information about your current situation and the factors leading up to the present expression of your symptoms.
“I partner with Beth for both acupuncture treatment and Holistic Pelvic Care. Beth has provided me with tremendous support in healing pelvic trauma and post traumatic stress. Her intuitive and compassionate treatments helped me move from disconnection from and fear of my pelvic space to feeling strong, sacred and integrated in my body. Each session is truly a gift of knowledge and nurturing.” -KG Portland, OR
“As beautiful as the birth of my son was, it was also very traumatic. After he was born I was rushed to the hospital, where I received about 30 stitches. I could hardly move for the first three weeks. Three and a half months later the pain was still really intense. My friend recommended that I try holistic pelvic care. The results that I had working with Beth were amazing. After only one session there was a drastic improvement in how I felt. I was very fortunate to be able to work with Beth. I highly recommend her.” –RR Cottage Grove, OR
“Beth’s intuition and experience coupled with her healing hands and heart is a rare treat. From the moment you walk through the door, you know that you have arrived at a special place. Beth is always centered, confident and very competent. I have benefited from her acupuncture, advice and referrals. She has helped me through several acute experiences with anxiety, physical injuries and overall well being. I consider her a cornerstone to an ongoing routine of self care and personal transformation.” -SW Portland, OR
“I just wanted to… thank you for your help with Clyde yesterday. You have such a nice way about you and were so gentle and nurturing with him. We see a difference already in that he is less “fussy”, he has more awake time where he is happy and calm. And his latch is better (I haven’t had to pop his upper lip up at all). We are so grateful to have found you and will see you again. “–CDE Portland, OR
“I wanted to thank you for helping us, it was a pleasure to meet you. I think your treatment really marked a turning point for Greta. She went from crying when we tried to nurse to really wanting to nurse, so now we are just working on her latch with the nipple shield and yesterday she breastfed almost exclusively! We still have a ways to go but big progress!” -C&G Portland, OR
For schedule or insurance related questions please contact the clinic directly 503 282 5358 or