An Introduction to Qi Gong Practice

Qi Gong, literally translated to "energy work", originated in China over 3,000 years ago and is the basis for Tai Chi. The movements are very simple, emphasizing breath work with the goal of increasing energy flow and developing a greater mind-body connection. Qi Gong requires very little space and no special equipment - making it ... Read more


Herbal Allies with Beth Yohalem-Ilsley


Join Beth on zoom (for now) for a casual gathering where we share info, insights and stories about medicinal plants. Stories about your own interactions with the herb are highly encouraged (not required), or you can simply tune in and listen. Beth has been feeling more disconnect from the live herbs due to clinical practices ... Read more

An Introduction to Qi Gong Practice


Qi Gong, literally translated to "energy work", originated in China over 3,000 years ago and is the basis for Tai Chi. The movements are very simple, emphasizing breath work with the goal of increasing energy flow and developing a greater mind-body connection. Qi Gong requires very little space and no special equipment - making it ... Read more


Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath with Merry

Mississippi Health Center 4631 North Albina Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Merry says: Please join me for an hour of pure bliss. We will begin with settling into our spaces and a gentle meditation to allow for grounding and preparation to receive. After you're settled, I'll play my crystal singing bowls, along with other harmonic instruments while you focus on your breath and relaxing into your ... Read more


cacao ceremony

Mississippi Health Center 4631 North Albina Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Cacao Ceremony! Day: Sunday, April 7 Time: 1:00-2:30pm Location: Mississippi Health Center Participation limited to 8 people, preregistration required: Jennifer D’Avanzo: [email protected] From Jennifer: Open your heart with cacao! Please join me in-person for cacao ceremony including brief history of cacao, how cacao is made and benefits of cacao. We will make intentions, sip together ... Read more


Cacao ceremony

Mississippi Health Center 4631 North Albina Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Open your heart with cacao! Please join me in-person for cacao ceremony including brief history of cacao, how cacao is made and benefits of cacao. We will make intentions, sip together and experience the benefits of cacao. I've been drinking cacao for over two years and it has helped me on my healing journey and ... Read more


Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath with Merry

Mississippi Health Center 4631 North Albina Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Day: Sunday, April 14th Time: 4-5:30pm (in person only) Mississippi Health Center, 4631 N. Albina Ave. Participation limited to 8 people, preregistration required Merry says: Please join me for an hour of pure bliss. We will begin with settling into our spaces and a gentle meditation to allow for grounding and preparation to receive. After ... Read more


Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath with Merry

Mississippi Health Center 4631 North Albina Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath with Merry Day: Sunday, April 14th Time: 4-5:30pm (in person only) Mississippi Health Center, 4631 N. Albina Ave. Participation limited to 8 people, preregistration required Merry says:  Please join me for an hour of pure bliss.  We will begin with settling into our spaces and a gentle meditation to allow ... Read more


Medicinal Herbs Near You! (part 1)


Zoom call from your yard and we will do a virtual herb walk together where we can check out what’s growing right where you live. Learn to harvest these precious allies respectfully and what medicine grows right at your feet! Weeds are especially potent medicine so manicured gardens are not required nor expected. This will ... Read more

MHC Turns 20!!!

Mississippi Health Center 4631 North Albina Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Please join us as we celebrate the clinic’s 20th birthday!
When: Sunday, September 1, 2024, 2-5pm
Where: in the back yard of the clinic, by the mural
Who: YOU (family friendly event)!

Portland’s New City Government and how it works

Portland city government is going through big changes this fall! Join Amy Randel, member of Portland's Government Transition Advisory Committee, for an informative presentation on Portland's historic government transition. We'll discuss the adoption of ranked-choice voting, the creation of 12 district-based council seats, and the new mayor-city administrator model, and talk about what all these changes mean for regular ... Read more

Community Herb Swap!

Mississippi Health Center 4631 North Albina Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Please join us for an in-person gathering outside by the mural. Bring whatever herbs you are willing to share and we will exchange earth’s bounty with each other! You may bring fresh, dried, in a pot, in a basket, in preserved form or whatever you feel like sharing!
This event is free and open to the public
